
Thessaloniki video tour


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ΦΩΤΟ-Κανείς δεν θέλει αυτά τα σπίτια

Ένα φωτορεπορτάζ της Daily Mail παρουσιάζει κατοικίες που μένουν στα αζήτητα. Το γιατί είναι προφανές. 
Δείτε τις φωτογραφίες

Animal magic: If there's one thing that is likely to entice first-time buyers to look at a property, it's taxidermy. In this estate agent picture the stuffed heads of a number of large animals take pride of place on the sofa and arm chair
Sinister: In one estate agent's advert, the bathroom is shown decorated with a giant tiled swastika. All the images have been compiled on the blog terribleestateagentphotos.com
Tasteful décor? We've all heard of adding a splash of paint, but the owners of this home may have got a little carried away. The fridge, walls, wooden floor and surfaces are all victims of a bad paint-job
Bathroom located on ground floor: With the toilet, shower and sink right next to the backdoor, at least there's no chance of missing the delivery man when the doorbell rings in this house